Most Wonderfull Breed

Thursday, February 14, 2008

How To Feed Your Boxer Puppy?

Boxer puppy, you are ought to have the right knowledge of how the best way is to feed your lovely Boxer. Why does it become a crucial factor? That’s because your puppy’s health is determined by their eating. A daily good nutrition will help to develop the growth of their bones, muscles, and other important organs maximally. Well, of course, their health is fully our own responsibility as an owner, as someone whom they depend on.

As an owner who has just adopted a Boxer puppy, you were probably confused of how to start with. What is suitable and not for them. Here I’m trying to tell you the answer based on what I know and what I’ve done completely.

Here’s the rundown of the steps:

  • For The Suckling Boxer Puppies

The newly born Boxer puppy surely needs mother-breast. The milk from its mother has a very highly nutrition, so that feed them with their mother’s milk directly will be the best for them.

The problem is, if we find a newly born Boxer puppy which actually doesn’t want to suckle from its mother. There are some causes for that, which are: maybe the puppy is premature so that it doesn’t have enough strength to suckle. It may also because there is a disorder on its body’s function, or probably because its mother doesn’t want to feed the puppy (it usually happens with a mother whom has puppy for the first time ever). In the case where the puppy doesn’t want to suckle from its mother is commonly happens, if we don’t solve it quickly, it’s able to cause death toward the puppy.

What should we do? I usually give instant milk which is specially designed for dogs (usually available at pet shops or vet). Another alternative is, we can give them goat’s milk. What about instant milk for human being? May we feed them with cow’s milk? It’s important to know that milk for human or cow’s milk contains a very highly lactose so that it doesn’t suitable for them. The highly lactose content can cause diarrhea, and if it happens to a puppy, it will have fatal effect; exactly it leads to the death.

Try to keep the suckling from its mother at least until 3 weeks ages (if it is possible until 3 months ages). But it’s important to be perceived! Make sure that each of your Boxer puppies get mother-breast, because commonly there are some dogs which are dominant to get mother-breast, if it doesn’t perceived, there will be a puppy which doesn’t get the mother-breast, and it’s hazardous.

Here’s what I do, if my Boxer puppy needs addition milk:

Until a week age

120-180 milliliters, divided into 6 times /day

Until 2 weeks ages

150-250 milliliters, divided into 5 times /day

Until 3 weeks ages

240-320 milliliters, divided into 4 times /day

Until 4 weeks ages

280-400 milliliters, divided into 4 times /day (coarse, not submerged or diluted with water) twice /day

Beside that, try to serve your dog his meals at the same time each day and in the same location so that he will get used to his daily routine and develop good eating habit.

  • For The Boxer Puppies Which Consume Solid Foods
Since 3 weeks ages, I usually have made my Boxer puppy accustomed to consume dog food that I soak first in warm water (not the hot one) for 1-2 hours, so that this dog food that is fully mushy just likes porridge for human babies. In the 3 weeks ages, your Boxer’s digestion hasn’t perfect yet, so that it’s not really recommended to consume the solid foods. Just bribe slowly to your Boxer puppy’s mouth, or if your puppy has been able to eat by itself, adjust it to eat in a lively group with other friends, so that it appears spirit for your puppy to eat.

Here are the steps that I do:

Around 1 month age

100 gram of dog foods per puppy (watery) 4-5 times /day

Until 2 month ages

200 gram of dog foods per puppy (begin to slightly coarse) 4 times /day

Until 3 month ages

300 gram of dog foods per puppy (slightly coarse) 4 times /day

Until 4 month ages

400 gram of dog foods per puppy (coarse, not submerged or diluted with water) twice /day

Actually, amount of food consumed will vary depend on activity level, age, and environment. For best result, you can consult with your vet or see the instruction on your dog food packing. Addition milk is only fed as an interlude, besides, I also feed addition supplement such as multivitamins and calcium for their health.

These are the stories based on my own experience as a breeder and a Boxer lover. I try to share about what I’ve learnt from variety of sources, discussed with vet, and my own experience of growing a Boxer puppy. As far, what I’ve done above surely works. Hopefully this information is useful for you. Remember me to your lovely boxer puppy :D


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